The Inorde Agricultural Development Center, located in Xinzo de Limia Town Hall, is the laboratory where the farmers and producers of the province go in search of support and technical assistance for their work. The Center was born with the vocation of providing technical tools to professionals in the primary sector when doing their essential work of supplying food to society; therefore, soil analysis and subsequent technical advice allow them to manage their farms in a sustainable way.
Exploitations that will be sustainable from an economic point of view by optimizing resources, which ensures production with the highest quality and sustainable from an environmental point of view by guaranteeing absolute respect for the natural environment.
In the same sense, it should be recalled that through the project "Circular Labs - Promoting the entrepreneurial spirit for the circular economy in the Iberian space" (co-financed by the FEDER through the INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP) 2014-2020), it was given to the abandoned center of a "Rural Lab". Infrastructure that is available to producers in the province with the aim of serving as a catalyst for the transformation of the primary sector to achieve a better and greater optimization of resource management.
The work carried out by the Centre is as follows
Research and genetics
– Reduction of inputs in potato and cereal crops through the application of new fertilisation techniques, varieties adapted to the environment, promotion of biodiversity and mobilisation of nutrients.
- Production aspects of potato, cereal and corn crops.
- Testing, introduction and implementation of new crops (aromatic herbs, small fruits, energy crops...).
- Foliar of all types of crops (potato, vine, orchard, etc.)
– Phytopathological of soil insects (globodera rostochiensis, globodera pallida).
– Phytopathological in various crops.
– Potato quality: suitability for frying, cooking, dry matter content, starch and reducing sugars.
Technical assistance
- Constitution, maintenance and development of crops.
- Promotion of biodiversity in crops
- Development of circular economy projects
Soil analysis
Provenance taken from samples
Identifying data
O Centro de Desenvolvemento Agrogandeiro make available to two farmers a service of analysis of alone driven to increases the economic and environmental viability of the Ourense exploitations. This atomic center pass protected pola certification na norm UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 that outorga to ENAC.
A Deputación colabora coa xornada de identificación de pragas e enfermidades da pataca que reuniu a máis de 70 agricultores
O deputado de Representación Institucional e presidente do Inorde, Rosendo Fernández; o presidente da IXP Pataca de Galicia, José Manuel Gómez; e o director territorial
A Deputación organiza unhas xornadas sobre identificación de pragas e enfermidades da pataca
Esta iniciativa, que terá lugar o 7 de agosto, trata de dar resposta ás demandas dos agricultores e almacenistas da Limia que mostraron a súa
Cubertas todas as prazas da XI edición do curso de actividades auxiliares de agricultura para persoas en risco de exclusión social
Xinzo de Limia, 17 de xullo de 2024. O Inorde e Cáritas poñen en marcha, coa colaboración nesta ocasión da Fundación Inditex, a XI edición
Centro de Desenvolvemento Agrogandeiro de Xinzo de Limia
Explanada do Pabellón de Deportes s/n 32630 – Xinzo de Limia Ourense – GaliciaTel. +34 988 317 946