Keep On. Interreg Europa
Project Summary Sustaining the effects of investments remains one of the most pressing issues in cultural heritage management. Many cultural institutions have difficulties.

CRINMA. Interreg Europe
Project summary The protection of cultural heritage in mountain areas is of vital importance to ensure Europe's cultural diversity and sabe.

CAMINOS. Interreg V A
PATHS PROJECT: Jacobean Paths of the West Peninsular. – Spain-Portugal Cross-Border Cooperation European Project. – INTERREG V A Program – Execution period: 07/01/2019 – 04/30/2023 – Total Amount: 2,435,790.19

Promoting the entrepreneurial spirit for a circular economy in the Iberian area. -INTERREG V A Programme - AREA 6 - Multiregional. Cross-border cooperation Spain-Portugal. -Period of…

Red_Agriconect 4.0
- European project of Cross-border Cooperation Spain - Portugal. -INTERREG V A Program -Execution period: 01/07/2019 – 30/06/2021 -Total amount: €640,057.36 -Co-financing FEDER Funds:

Instituto Ourensán de Desenvolvemento Económico •Programa INTERREG V A – AREA 1 – Cooperación Transfronteiriza España-Portugal. •Período de execución: 01.07.2017 – 30.06.2020 •IMPORTE TOTAL: 532.467,80