CAMINOS PROJECT: Jacobean roads of the western peninsula.
– European Project for Cross-border Cooperation Spain-Portugal.
– INTERREG V A Program
– Execution period 01/07/2019 – 30/04/2023
– Total amount: 2.435.790,19 €
– Co-financing from FEDER Funds 75%
• Head of Line: Provincial Council of Badajoz
• Partners:
Ourensano Institute of Economic Development-INORDE (Spain)
Provincial Council of Cáceres
General Directorate of Libraries, Museums and Cultural Heritage. Ministry of Culture and Equality, Junta de Extremadura
Instituto de Emprego e Desenvolvemento Socioeconómico e Tecnolóxico (IEDT) da Deputación Provincial de Cádiz.
Alentejo Tourism ERT.
Municipality of Barcelos.
Provincial Council of Huelva
Cordoba Provincial Council
Provincial Council of Pontevedra
Zamora Provincial Council
Tourism Center Portugal
Work on the improvement of the Jacobean Ways of the West of the peninsula, enhance their cross-border character, improvement of equipment, technology, signaling and organization of activities so that the opportunities that the existence of the different Ways of Santiago of the West of the Peninsula are taken advantage of Ibérica produces as an element of economic and social development, in order to value the historical, cultural and natural heritage of the territory, contributing to the sustainable development of its territories.
The project is structured in the following activities:
Realization of a signaling strategy and application of new technologies to the Jacobean Ways
Strategy for the revitalization of the Caminos
Recovery of built heritage
Marketing strategy
Creation of a Cross-Border Network of Jacobean Ways of the West Peninsular.